Supportive accountability to help you gain clarity, build confidence, and bring more joy and ease to your work and life.

Coaching is right for you if:

  • You are feeling stuck and are looking to make a change, but are unsure on what direction to go in or how to create a more productive, aligned, and joyful life.

  • You need a thinking partner to hold space for you and help you process your thoughts and ideas

  • You are looking for external support and accountability to build new habits, maximize your productivity, and achieve meaningful goals.


    We’ll meet over Zoom and I will share with you more information about coaching and my coaching philosophy. We can discuss your coaching goals and answer any questions you may have.


    I offer coaching packages in 3, 6, and 12 session bundles, and you can choose the length of the coaching engagement based on your goals. All coaching packages include e-mail support between sessions, as well as lifetime access to session notes, resources, and audio recordings.


    All coaching sessions are 1 hour over Zoom and are focused on goals and topics of your choosing. We’ll engage in reflective inquiry and coaching tools to help you meet your goals, and I will provide support and accountability along the way!


I aim to live in alignment of my values of discipline and joy, and certainly bring positivity into coaching relationships. I relate to the difficulty in finding one’s purpose as I have gone through my own meandering path of wanting to be a stand-up comedian at age 7, a neuroscientist in high school, an archeologist towards the end of college, and now pursuing a career in leadership development in higher education. Each part of my journey helped me clarify my purpose of wanting to help others learn about themselves and be good company on their journey of self-fulfillment. 

Coaching Snapshot