Hey there, I’m Amy (she/her)! 

As an Associate Certified Coach,  I help individuals find their purpose and align their work and lives with what matters to them most.  I love to help people build confidence to overcome challenges and work towards meaningful goals. As an achiever who values discipline, organization, and joy, my coaching is guided by holding space for clients to create systems and strategies that work best for them, and provide supportive accountability to help them reach their coaching goals.



    I am a lifelong learner who loves to be exposed to and immerse myself in new ideas and skills. I believe we are all in a constant state of evolution and development, and I embrace opportunities to learn new things about myself.

  • JOY

    I love laughing, dancing around my kitchen for no reason, and having fun with most things I am doing while never taking myself too seriously. I try to lead with positivity and a sense of adventure to experience joy in all parts of my life


    As an ENTJ, enneagram 3, and Upholder (translates to an “organized and motivated type A achiever” for those who are not versed in personality assessments), making plans and executing them is one of my superpowers. I love planning tools, established routines, and to-do lists.


    I fully believe in the values of social justice, particularly inclusion and equity, and work to dismantle systems of marginalization as they show up in my business, roles in higher education, and interactions with others. I am constantly learning and unlearning my socialized ways of knowing about social identities and dominant narratives, and aim to make coaching accessible to anyone who may need it.


I have always been motivated to help others learn more about themselves and create lives centered on alignment and joy. As a full-time higher education leadership development professional, I have had the privilege of working with undergraduate and graduate students as they have discovered their own values, conceptions of leadership, and put together the next steps in their young adult lives.  My desire to work in higher education originated from my own up-and-down (and occasionally sideways) path through college that spanned two countries, two institutions, multiple majors, one minor,  and jobs all over from a neuroscience lab, to an archaeological dig, and a baker in the campus coffee shop. Oh, and also a hitchhike trip from Scotland to Amsterdam (there is definitely a story for this one!)

I am thankful for the mentors who held space for me and the experiences that helped me identify my strengths and capacities for the work that I do today. I love helping people engage in self-discovery  and gain clarity on their values and purpose. I pursued coach training and completing my ACC coaching credential to add another tool to my professional skillset, and expand my work to directly help professionals in various stages in their careers find alignment, joy, and ease. I appreciate being able to hold space for others, especially as we continue to experience ongoing uncertainty, transition, and change.